Thank you for including us in your estate planning.
Please use this form to let us know about your intended gift in your will or trust to the Society of the Divine Word.
The information you share is nonbinding and will only be used to welcome you into our Legacy Society. You can still alter your gift directly in your will or trust at any time.
There are four types of gifts for you to consider:
- General Gift: A specific amount of money or a percentage of your estate. You do not have to identify the specific source of the gift, such as a bank account
- Specific Gift: A specific property such as stocks, a life insurance policy or a parcel of land
- Demonstrative Gift: Property from a specific source that does not identify the individual gift value, such as a piece of art in your collection.
- Residuary Gift: The amount that remains after all other gifts are accounted for and expenses paid.
Gift Report Form

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