Father Adam and a crew of volunteers help to repair a local home in Gassaway, West Virginia.

Divine Stories

Fr. Adam MacDonald, SVD (left) and a crew of volunteers help repair a local home in Gassaway, West Virginia.

There are two questions that donors never tire of asking charities such as ours. How did you use my donation? Did it make a difference in anyone’s life? We are posting these stories to answer these questions. We think you will like them. They are short and personal. The settings range from the South Side of Chicago to the “hollers” of West Virginia to the poor neighborhoods of Kingston, Jamaica. In every case, your generous support enabled our missionaries to touch the lives of people with the love of God. Thank you!


Walking With Moms in Need
By Theresa Carson - West Virginia

This past May for Mother’s Day, a local florist donated flowers worth a few hundred dollars to be given to the women of St. Thomas and Risen Lord parishes in West Virginia. The florist recognized the good works being done by Father Thien Duc Nguyen SVD and his parishioners.

Mission Meets Medical Anthropology
Prepared by Vocation Team, Chicago Providence

Fr. Alexander Rödlach is a teacher, a priest, a medical anthropologist – in short, he’s a modern-day missionary.

World Travels and Christianity in the World
By Theresa Carson, Chicago

“It is not easy being a missionary, but they [the people] animate our members,” said Father General Kleden, who served in Switzerland and Indonesia before his election to the General Council in Rome in 2012.

From Distrust to Awe
By Theresa Carson, West Virginia, United States

From distrust to awe, trucker converts to Catholicism in West Virginia.

Local Parishes Alleviate Hunger Through Divine Word Pantries
Theresa Carson, Public and Media Relations Director - Chicago Province, West Virginia

Food pantries managed by Divine Word Missionaries serve as a lifeline for families in West Virginia. In addition to national inflation, many West Virginians suffer from persistent poverty, the type of poverty that lasts for generations. Missionaries like Father Thien Duc Nguyen SVD provide food that keeps them fed when federal government assistance runs out. Annually, Father Thien buys more than 200 turkeys for Thanksgiving. This year, he and his volunteers anticipate that they will need many more to meet the need. During the past year, they have been helping between 330 and 350 families each month. You can provide a Thanksgiving meal for someone who is suffering.

Some Missionaries are Called to be Bishops
By SVD Vocation Team

While many priests who are appointed to the role of bishop are diocesan priests, some are religious priests who are members of religious orders, like the Society of the Divine Word (SVD).

Diverse Pastoral Team Serves Multicultural Parish
Based on article made by SVD Vocations Team

Our missionaries strive to live in intercultural harmony both within the society and on mission with those from other cultures. We call it, “Prophetic Dialogue,” by what we mean interacting respectfully with people from other cultures and traditions. Welcoming, understanding and accepting the rich cultural diversity of its members and people we serve.

Planting Seeds and Reaping the Harvest
By Fr. Adam MacDonald, SVD, Epworth, IA

Fr. Adam is a member of the Tri-Province Vocation Team and writes about challenges of searching and accompanying candidates with missionary vacation.

Almost Heaven, West Virginia
Written by Sam Lollar, SVD, West Virginia

We began our journey to West Virginia at daybreak the Saturday before Spring Break. We desired to feel God's presence and have His blessing for this new experience, so we began by praying the Liturgy of the Hours together.

He Did Small Things with Great Love
Created by SVD vocations team, Epworth, IA

He had a gift for giving in the small ways that touch your heart, make you laugh or your job easier. His ministry was of small, everyday things—running an errand, fixing a machine, changing a watch battery, making a new staff member feel welcome, brushing snow off cars, helping ESL students with their English, showing them how to count change, writing a sympathy note to a friend or benefactor—so many missionary acts of kindness.
Young adults with candles

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Your offering to Divine Word helps our missionaries bring the Gospel of Christ to the poor and forgotten around the world.

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