We love stories! They can teach us, convey a message, inspire, and motivate.
They are among the oldest forms of human communication and for centuries the only form of communication that passed wisdom from generation to generation, including Sacred Scriptures. The stories collected here are from multiple sources and adapted so they are not too long for your busy schedule. We hope you enjoy and benefit from them - finding meaning that applies to your life.
Stay the Course
Jun 2024
In northern Brazil, there is a popular game called Pau de Cebu in which young people and children try to climb a greased pole to win a prize.
Stay the Course
Jun 2024
In northern Brazil, there is a popular game called Pau de Cebu in which young people and children try to climb a greased pole to win a prize.

Being Present
Apr 2024
When asked how he manages to maintain such a calm and balanced demeanor all the time, a Tibetan master replied with simplicity: “It’s simple. When I lie down, I lie down. When I sit, I sit. And when I walk, I walk.”

Slowing Down
Oct 2023
I distinctly remember after supper one evening, the words of our younger daughter, Colleen. She wanted to tell me something important that had happened to her at school that day...

Don't Lose Sight
Jul 2023
A young student approached his teacher and asked. If I work very hard and diligent how long will it take for me to find enlightenment in my life?

Don't Worry Too Much
May 2023
5-year old Johnny was in the kitchen as his mother made supper. She asked him to go into the pantry and get her a can of tomato soup, but he didn't want to go in alone.