Take Some Rest

Take some rest. Even Jesus let some things go undone.

One day, a man who desperately needed work took a job as a lumberjack. He took an ax and quickly went to work.

On the first day, he managed to cut 20 trees. On the second day 15, and the third day only 10. His boss, intrigued by the situation, wanted to know why his performance declined despite of the man coming every day earlier and leaving later. It seemed strange.

Then, the supervisor looked at the ax, which was already quite worn and asked the employee, “How many times did you sharpen the ax?”

In response, the man said, “I was so busy cutting trees that I didn't have time to sharpen it.”

Resting_SM.jpgResting is not a luxury, reserved only for those who finish the work. It is a necessity and a basic human need. It is a smart thing to do—not only from an efficiency perspective but also for overall human development. Work enhances us as human beings, but lack of rest can regress the progress.   

“So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.” Genesis 2:3

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